Category Archives: Latest News

Kath + Belle’s Guide | Ingredients to Avoid When Buying Baby Products

Kath + Belle's Guide Ingredients To Avoid When Buying Baby Products

Kath + Belle wants to help every parent to protect and keep their babies safe. Every day, children are exposed to tons of harmful chemicals through personal care products. Much like home cleaners and cosmetics, baby products also contain a variety of potentially harmful ingredients. It may seem overwhelming to prevent dangerous chemicals in all […]

Kath + Belle on Hand Washing for People with Skin Condition

Kath + Belle On Hand Washing For People With Skin Condition

In this current COVID-19 outbreak, we are all advised to do proper hand-washing. Since it is a way to prevent the spreading of such viruses. But, regular hand-washing may worsen skin conditions such as eczema. Overuse of conventional soaps and hand sanitizers with harsh chemicals can lead to drying out and cracking the skin. Even […]

Are Frequent Hand Washing & Using Hand Sanitizer can cause Eczema?

Are Frequent Hand Washing & Using Hand Sanitizer Can Cause Eczema

Keeping your hands clean when living with eczema is a very important part of staying healthy. That is true especially during this time of the pandemic. It’s recommended to frequently wash or sanitize hands to protect yourself and others from having coronavirus infection. How about people suffering from eczema on the hands? Frequent hand washing […]

Why Kath + Belle Says NO to Toxic Chemicals

Why Kath + Belle Says No To Toxic Chemicals

Products that have harmful chemicals also give bad effects on the environment, but Kath + Belle can make a difference by producing non-toxic and chemical-free products. Since manufacturing is one of the biggest pollutants, Kath + Belle helps families significantly to have a chemical-free living.  Paying attention to what you eat and put on your […]

Kath + Belle - Inspired By Love